Monday, June 09, 2008

Strawberry Fair

Yes we had some sun shine and we were out to experience it. We went to the Strawberry fair which has been running for over 30 years. Its a very hip and happening event for all ages, with bands, stalls and heaps of crazy characters. The whole thing is run by volunteers.

We finished off the weekend with a visit to Burwash Manor which is a farm like place with a bunch of cool shops, cafe and super toy store. We had fun looking at all the baby animals. There were baby ferrets, ducks and even a baby reindeer. They also have all the big toy equipment out to try so we did.

There is nothing like a splash at the end of a hot day to cool day.

I thought I would put these other pics in from the previous weekend because there just cute...

1 comment:

christineandlaurence said...

i'm very impressed with last four pics, especially dad and son with push toy and tongue out. mumand bub also excellent, although prefer the full length version- it looks quite, well... chic actually.