Had a lovely morning. We had headed into town to go to church, printing some family pics before hand. But alas we saw that they had no Sunday school on because of the holidays. Foozles and church don't bend well without it so.............. since we had our camera with us we went for a dinky walk around the town and got some fab pics of the blooms about Bathurst.
Here is us trying to get a co ordinated family pic
Stretching our wheels and Mummy's legs we went on 'a big adventure' as Timothy would say. We had run out of chocolate so took the dinkies to the shops, playing at all the parks on the way back. Poor Timothy has an awful hair cut, would not keep still. And we have lots of flowers out around Bathurst
Alas it still goes on. We are still suffering from foozle nocturnal activities, though if we get the little one to eat his dinner he is much better. Last night it was the big one and they were both up at five. I think the sunrise is helping to energise them at this early hour. We have have a good time apart this problems though. Play groups and family are all gearing up for the last term of year and so have planned lots of fun Christmas/ hot weather fun. We are planning water play days with bubbles and parachute games. We also have the Bathurst race in a few short weeks. We are off to Sydney at the end of September for a bit of a stay at my sister's house which will be lots of fun. We also have a run of birthdays coming up so will be busy planning those. No news on the house buying alas. We have decided to wait for a bit as prices have been going down in Bathurst as our savings are going up so we should be good to go in the new year. Have already good seedlings coming up in the garden. We have planned lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, capsicum and started a herb garden. These are all in pots mind as we plan to plant them out at the new place with luck.
Timothy and Matthew are very gung ho with all the garden. Timothy demands we weed every afternoon. He is quite funny when you see him trying to instruct his friends who visit on the art of weeding. He is a very good garden so far. They both water each afternoon and are very keen on the planting process, lots of dirt : ) The boys are coming along fast. Matthew already rides around on a peddle bike. He is catching up to Timothy very quickly though Timothy is still the king of the puzzles. Timothy loves to sit down and trace his numbers and letters, and they tell me he is to young for pre school, fooie I say. I am really looking forward to Christmas this year, they understand so much more. We start our craft and pre from November. Matthew is a bit relaxed with is words. He can say half a dozen things but choices to just exclaim 'Oh no' at everything. He babbles in his own language just fine mind you. Here are a few pics from recent weeks.