Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Yes its true, we had guests stay here in our little village. Ben went into super organise mode, tried to get the shelving and book cases made before they get here, so the place looks groovy. I must say he succeeded with flying colours.

For my part I have spent all week cleaning out our spare room and making it look like a guest bedroom at a B&B. When we first arrived we bought a new bed. I have now added to the bed some new sheets, pillows and a goose feather doona. So after hanging all the pictures around the house and folding the towels on the end of the bed with little choccies it was time to look relaxed for when our guests arrived. I hear you ask: who are these crazy people? Why none other than the lovely Erica and Simon, over this part of the world seeing their aunt, uncle and granparents.

They arrived on Monday afternoon, poor things, after arriving in the country a few hours before on Sunday. They were very brave and drove over here from Leicester where their aunt and uncle live. Needless to say there was lots of hugs and hellos followed by many hours of chatting over cheese and biscuits, followed by a turkey pie. Yum.

We went to bed around 10pm as we had lots of adventuring to do the next morning. So up bright and early we attacked the day with a big breakfast of scones (with J and C) croissants, fruit, juice, coffee and tea. We headed into Cambridge to look at the colleges, check out the market in the centre of town and take a punt trip down the Cam after a very groovy pub lunch.

It was very freezing but they are survives of US winters so they toughed it out and all had heaps of fun. It was not to cool for the lovely black swan though.

Too soon unfortunately it was time to say goodbye as the sun was on its way down. So after returning home the browntastic pair packed their car and it was back to hugs. It was an excellent extension to the weekend, Thank you guys we had so much fun and look forward to seeing you next time.

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