Friday, June 15, 2007

The Great Flood

We went for an adventure last night after I falled to catch the bus, (it didn't turn up). Ben came home from work and took Timothy and I out to the library, shopping and then dinner at the pub. We sat there watching the rain, remarking on the amount coming down but not really thing about it. Then on our way home we discovered that all roads were flooded. there are three roads into our village but it did take an hour and a half to work our way in. Two of the roads were inaccessable with one of them taking a poor ladies car, the water had come up over the roof of her car and it was pushing the vechicle down stream.
Here a few shots from it....

Note from Ben: I'd like to thank Renault for the quality of their door seals. There were five times we had to ford through rivers across the road, and four of those would have been above the door level :-P

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