Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Merry Christmas to all

Hello Everybody

Wanted to wish everybody a very merry season. I hope it will not be too hot in the land of OZ. We will miss everybody at home and all that make it a Christmasy day, the season food, the darrellea pudding, the beach and dan and his christmas cracker stink bomb:P We have been getting with the cheery season though, we went to our village church for carols by candle light on Sunday night. But alas we missed the caroling around the village due to the worst cold I have ever had. Though they did come and sing at our house which was lovely, it is all for charity. They were very brave as we had a particularly cold snap, as that morning when I took Ben to work it was -7 and the warmest it got all day was -2. We are back to the lovely weather though, of clear skies and quite warm for this time of year, around 3 or 4 degrees during the day, no sign of snow sadly.

We are off to celebrate the season with neighbours tomorrow night with a lovely dinner, they have a wee lassie but five weeks older than our lad. I would just like to comment on the tv in this country, it is not feast in the slightest. Though I will grant you the first and second die hard movies are excellent. The best we have are top gear, (i love the fast cars), friends (they repeat the whole ten years back to back, we have seen the whole thing three times since we have been here) and of course scrubs, which is brillant watching, just got to have cox and jordan.

Christmas day of course we will be doing the traditional english thing with the hot turkey roast etc, off to the village church and of course many hours of skyping after of course we watch the cutiest baby in the world open all his presents. He's so lovable, I just can't cuddle him enough (which I guess is a good thing when some nights he wants to be rocked for two hours before he will consent to sleeping). Anyway, I hope everybody has a very Merry Christmas and a great new year and I look forward to seeing quite a few of you in that new year. Love you all.

E, B and now T

ps Ben would like to had a less cheerful version to this message 'Christmas stinks and we want to go home' quote from a very sick and poorly but lovely husband. His other choice comments were something like, who has every been sick at Christmas etc though I didn't point out that many are and of course in our prays. He does feel very crappy though and had a temp of 102 which i shared for a few hours though I have come out of it much better than his five day stint, the beautiful baby boy has only got teethy probs, his next two are coming down from the top. I must say I have not done anything as challenging as looking after a lively baby while feeling like death, my hat off to all you out there.

1 comment:

christineandlaurence said...

Merry Christmas back at you. I'm sorry to hear Ben is ill and you have been as well. but "Christmas stinks"? I hope that sentiment is improved with rest, gifts, good company, good food, good wine and Timothy's happy and restful behaviour and lots of uninterrupted sleep. Lighting another candle as I speak.