Thursday, July 03, 2008

London with Kim

We are all having a wonderful time at the moment as we go around seeing the sights with Kim. She arrived on Tuesday where we started the visit off with a pub dinner, yummy. The next day was shop until we dropped around Cambridge, alas due to weather we did not see too much of it but are hoping to do so on Monday. Today we have been around the lovely and very busy London. Must say the tube system works very well. We didn't wait for a train the whole day. As we got to the platform there was always one pulling in. Anyway here a few pics of our adventure so far. We saw the crown jewels, went shopping at Harrods and looked at the outside of the Abby and Parliament.

1 comment:

christineandlaurence said...

excuse me, but where are the obligatory pictures of my grandson?????