Monday, May 11, 2009

Two on the Tenth

Yes Timothy is two already. Hard to believe but lovely to see. Though most of his friends have hit two and somehow got a copy of the book that explains to them how awful they really should be. I think Timothy got an advanced copy as he is well aware of how to go from angel to someone we want to throttle. But not on this special Sunday. Not only was it the 2nd birthday, it was Australia's mothers day (UK stick to Mothering Sunday). We both had a lovely day, it was wonderful to see that I was the mummy of such a bright, loving and funny boy. NEW WORDs for this day was 'Lunch, don't touch (that was for Matthew's benefit) and Catch.

Even though we are having a party on 23rd with one of his mates in the next village (the Lovely Jonas), Pirate theme. We did get into the spirit. Ben took Timothy shopping in the morning for birthday cake ingredients. We made of course a chocolate cake, woman's weekly rocks, works every time. We played with his new sand-water table and then bundled the two kids in the bike trailer and rode to Cambridge to do this .... (pics speak better)


amy said...

So cute!!! I love the train

christineandlaurence said...

Happy Birthday darlin!!! love always from Grandma, Grandda and auntie Chelsea and Missi and Faith and Buffy etc, etc. I hope you like our presents even though uncle Daniel pinched what we wanted to get you.

Abhijit said...

Happy belated b'day timi..