Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter Break

Wow what a lot of chocolate. We have three large cake tins full of the stuff. I think we will have to ration it as it is likely to do us in otherwise.

A super wonderful time was had by all. We had the most excellent Nonna, of who we are missed very much as she had to go back home yesterday. We had a great movie night on Friday, though it got rubished on the tomato site I still say it was hilarious, All about Steve. We had Ben's folks here as well.

Saturday we went to a lovely service at the cathedral just for kids. They had a little play and lots of singing and of course chocolate eggs. It was all done in thirty minutes. Now that is somebody thinking right. The boys where ready to go home and have dinner so it worked well.

On easter morning the bunny had left two new easter sand castle making buckets with a moderate about of eggies. This was followed by a super egg hunt out in the garden with all their toys and their friends. We had the next door friendlies around, they have a 2, 12 and 15 yrs for hot cross bunnies.

Yesterday we dropped Nonna off at Katoomba to get a train down to Sydney airport but we did drop in on the three sisters. Fab views as always and Nonna treated us all to ice cream, yum. So that was Easter. We are heading to Tumut to camp on John and Rhonda's (T's godparents along with Dan) property. It is be a laugh, boy loves dogs etc so should get some good pics.

we also went to the local honey supplier and got some tasty stuff. Good pic of the bees too.

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