Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A Brighton Weekend

We had a magnified weekend with friends, Gillian and Tim, and their two adorable children Alice and Daniel. To fix some info though, it was actually Eastbourne but still just as lovely. We checked out their excellent new home, bbqed and went to the sea side, can't really say beach as it is just not like one an Australian would know. We did get excellent pics though and some film of the little critters playing together. We also check out the zoo there, it was quite nicely done. No large animals and all the enclosers were well suited to the animal, though I did disagree with the big birds. The owls etc are use to flying and long distances so it was too awful to see them there but there you go. The rest of the zoo was great. It had a paddling pool and a thomas train you could ride on and heaps of play park area with neat equipment to try out. So an excellent adventure all round. Alice is ten days older than Timothy and Daniel was born this March, so very wee chap.

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